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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
"I prefer being demoted to taking off my cross."
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Hassan was a fire safety officer in a huge factory and a Christian. He witnessed to at least eighty people in the factory, including, Masoud, a co-worker who responded and began coming to work wearing a cross.
This infuriated his manager. Angrily he told Masoud either he take the cross off, or be demoted. Masoud replied:
"I am ready to work where you send me. I prefer being demoted to taking off my cross."
Masoud was demoted, but after a few days his manager apologised and gave him back his old job.
Masoud was faithful, and God overruled.
This is how the church in Iran is growing. Brave believers like Hassan are witnessing to many; some who hear, like Masoud, pay a price and experience God’s protection.
Pray for
Workers who witness in their work place
Those who wear crosses to be courageous
Employers to be sympathetic to Christians
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