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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Dark magic, so more exorcists please
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ouija boards, calling on the spirits, putting curses on necklaces, fortune telling – there is plenty of ‘jadugari’ (dark magic) going on in Iran among ordinary people. And as is true the world over there’s a heavy price to pay for dancing with the demons. Recently Elam’s ‘Healing For The Broken Hearted’ testimony based TV programme featured a lady whose talking with evil spirits led her to be possessed. Her resident demon refused to let her have any friendly relationships with anyone else – especially her husband. Life was miserable. This family was contacted by Christians and on coming to church they made a commitment. The wise pastor realised the lady needed deliverance and sent her away to experienced exorcists who prayed and fasted. She was wonderfully freed. After this programme was broadcast the telephone counsellor received many calls and emails from others afflicted by evil spirits. In one instance a team were able to visit, and pray for the victim – and again, in the all powerful name of Jesus Christ, demonic chains were cut.
Pray for
More exorcists to be raised up
Those oppressed to find Christians who can help
More TV programmes that deal with people’s pain
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