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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Four Christian converts need our prayers
Friday, February 23, 2018
Two members of a Tehran house church who were arrested on 17th November 2017 remain detained in Evin prison. Majidreza Souzanchi Kushani and Fatimeh Mohammadi are awaiting sentencing. They could face years in prison.
Similarly, Ali Amini remains detained in Tabriz Central prison after he was arrested at his workplace on 10th December 2017. Ali, who is the father of two young children, is believed to be held without charge.
A fourth believer, Naser Navard Goltapeh, has begun serving his ten year sentence in Ward 8 of Evin prison. Naser was arrested at a wedding party in June 2016 and later sentenced to ten years' imprisonment on charges related to undermining national security through illegal house church activity. The sentence was upheld at appeal on 12th November 2017.
Please pray that the Lord will sustain and encourage these four Christians and their families.
Please pray judiciary officials will have the opportunity through them to hear the Gospel, and will act with justice.
(Source: Middle East Concern)
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