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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Friday services in Tehran’s largest church, forced to close
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
On Friday October 30th Rev. Sourik, overseer of the Assemblies of God Churches in Iran, announced at the Central Church in Tehran that their two weekly Friday services, held since the 1960’s, had been forced to close by government officials. The congregation were stunned, some wept openly. This church has long been the largest for Iranians and these services, held in Persian, have been attracting the large number of Iranians for many years: the worship is exuberant, the preaching Biblical, the praying passionate. Extremists have long wanted to end them as many Persian speakers have come to faith in Jesus, and so become ‘apostates’. This action underlines the determination of hardliners to enforce the belief that Christianity in Iran is only for ethnic Christians – the Armenians and Assyrians - and that Christian services should only be in their ethnic languages. Historically these attempts to stop the Gospel spreading among all peoples in a country have always failed. Jesus Christ’s orders to make disciples of all nations, including Persian speaking Iranians, will still be obeyed whatever temporary orders come from men who think they know better than Him.
Pray for
That this closed door will lead to a thousand new ones opening
Wisdom for the leaders of the Assemblies of God Churches in Iran and around the world and that those who used to attend these Friday services to be able to meet with believers
The authorities who acted against the church to fear Jesus Christ
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