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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Getting worse, the arrests increase.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Throughout the summer there has been no let up in Christians being arrested.
In July fifteen Christians were arrested in Mashad, thirteen were freed after a week, but 48-year-old Reza and 23-year-old Ehsan Behrooz were detained. According to the FCNN website they have been threatened with being prosecuted for apostasy from Islam if they refuse to renounce their faith in Christ.
Also in July officials arrested Mr Saeedi, his wife, and their six year old daughter in Ahvaz. After questioning, Mrs Saeedi and her daughter were released, but Mr Saeedi remains in prison. And in Hamedan in September nine church members were arrested, and this was reported on the state TV news, referring to the believers as Christian Zionists. There are other reports of arrests in September as well, which lead to the conclusion that the harassment of Christians is increasing.
The common theme in all the arrests is that they are completely arbitrary and opaque. There is no legal process available to those arrested. There is usually the possibility of the arrested being released on bail, for a large amount of money, but it is unclear which legal authority is setting these figures.
Pray for
All those suffering in prison for their faith, especially Reza and Ehsan in Mashad, Brother Saeedi in Ahvaz, and the believers from Hamedan
For their words to be anointed when they reply to questioning
Their family and friends to be comforted
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