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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Hot summer months: further suffering for prisoners
Monday, July 25, 2016
With the summer now upon us, Iran’s prisons will be even more uncomfortable than normal. Highs of 37°C (97°F) during July in many parts of Iran, combined with poor ventilation and overcrowding in wards, prisoners will be suffering in new ways. The Christians in prison would surely appreciate prayers for strength as they seek to continue being a light in these difficult months, and for the other prisoners to be open to the good news they share.
Various Iranian Christians remain in prison: Maryam Naghash Zargarn (also known as ‘Nasim’) is back in Evin prison following her brief medical furlough in June. Ebrahim Firouzi is held in Rajai Shahr prison, Karaj. Behnam Irani continues to serve his sentence in Ghezel-Hesar prison, Karaj, while Shahin Lahooti is believed to still be imprisoned in Shiraz. Various other Christians are in detention but are not yet known to have been sentenced. These are just a handful of the countless prisoners of conscience that Iran has imprisoned for sharing religious or political messages that unsettle or anger the establishment.
Sickness, impatience and hotter tempers often accompany the hotter weather. Please pray for these brothers and sisters as they seek to love, serve and shine for Christ at this time.
Pray for
Relief for those suffering in the heat
Christian prisoners to be strengthened and encouraged
Open hearts for many prisoners and guards
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