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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Mosque bombing in Zahedan, the cruel wheel of revenge
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
On Thursday 15th July, two Sunnis blew themselves up among worshippers celebrating the birth of Imam Hussein at a large Shia mosque in in Zahedan, the capital Baluchistan. The second bomber waited till a crowd had gathered round the mayhem of the first blast before detonating himself to maximise casualties. They now stand at 27 dead and over 200 injured.
This is the cruel wheel of revenge for the government executing Abdulmalike Riga, the leader of the Jundullah, a terrorist group campaigning for Sunnis, a minority in Shia Iran. Nothing can justify such wanton cruelty against innocent people. It is important that Christians intercede with zeal for the authorities to bring this cruel wheel of revenge to a halt.
Pray for
Grieving families, for the Holy Spirit to give comfort and hope
Injured to be healed
Terrorist group to be uprooted.
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