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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.


Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.


Suffering But Growing Church

Reading the Bible: Leila’s first step toward Christ

Friday, October 3, 2014

Iranians live in a closed land. Converting away from Islam is forbidden. But the Gospel is reaching many open hearts. Leila is one young lady whose encounter with the Bible started her on her journey to faith in Christ: “As a teenager I observed all my religious duties. My family was Muslim, so I wanted to be a good Muslim too. Things began to change when I was at university, where I decided to learn more about Islam by reading the Qur’an in Persian. Instead of strengthening my devotion to Islam, reading the Qur’an made me realise that this was not the path I wanted to follow. Having rejected my childhood faith, my life soon spiralled into a pattern of sin, and depression began to take hold.  In search of answers, I began to enquire about different religions. I got to know a Christian who told me about Jesus and the need for salvation. She also gave me a copy of the Bible and I read it avidly. The more I read, the more I became convinced that this was the path I wanted to follow and so I agreed to become a Christian.  But in my heart, I regarded it as just another religious system: I was still living in darkness and had a sinful life.  When I was later asked to get involved in Christian ministry, I felt distant and full of panic. I didn’t know what to do, until finally Jesus helped me truly repent of my sinful ways and turn to Him. It was only after my true repentance that I committed my life to the Lord and decided to serve Him with all my being.  He has filled my heart with real joy. Today I am walking with the Lord, and enjoying every moment of it.” Pray for Leila’s ministry Many other seekers like Leila to have access to the Bible Protection for brave Christians who distribute Scriptures

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