Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
"Persecution is not the end of the story!" Watch Farshid and Sara share at the Lausanne Congress
Thursday, November 28, 2024
At the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Seoul, South Korea in September, Elam team members Farshid Fathi and Sara Akhavan had the opportunity to share their stories of being persecuted in Iran for their faith.
You won’t want to miss their extraordinary accounts of God's faithfulness amidst the darkness of their time in prison, and how their faith was renewed by the intimacy of His presence against all the odds.
Please pray for:
Those in prison for Christ in Iran today to sense the presence of God, bringing peace and hope, just as Farshid and Sara experienced
The families and loved ones of those suffering to also know the comfort and sustaining grace of God
Farshid and Sara as they continue to minister to Iranian leaders, preparing them to stand firm under persecution
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