Special update with Magda: 21 years of prayers answered
In today’s episode, Dara Lynn has a conversation with Magda to hear a significant update to Magda’s story. She shares about a recent answer to prayer that has been 21 years in the making. To hear Magda’s full testimony, please go back to her episode from May 10th, “A Hard and Faithful Choice."
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Featured Series: Persecution in Iran
Special update with Magda: 21 years of prayers answered
In today’s episode, Dara Lynn has a conversation with Magda to hear a significant update to Magda’s story. She shares about a recent answer to prayer that has been 21 years in the making. To hear Magda’s full testimony, please go back to her episode from May 10th, “A Hard and Faithful Choice."
Featured Episodes
New to Jesus Speaks Farsi? We recommend you start by listening to these encouraging episodes.
In this 5-part series on the podcast, we’re unpacking the idea that in God’s kingdom, everyone has a part to play. We’re so encouraged to see that in the church, it's often the most unlikely people, who as they are being faithfully obedient, are bringing so much fruit to the kingdom. In this collection of conversations, we talk about how women, Afghans, and youth, among others, are playing pivotal roles in the growth of the Persian-speaking church.
Ordinary people are impacting the church in extraordinary ways every day. We’re honored to share their stories with you.
In this episode, we’re wrapping up the most recent season of the podcast. Jennifer, Chrissy and Dara Lynn get together to chat about conversations with David, Bahar, Samuel and Sara, and Shahrokh. They discuss how God is using ordinary, even unlikely, people to impact the church in extraordinary ways. So, grab a cup of tea and join us for another episode of Chai time on Jesus Speaks Farsi.
In today’s episode, Chrissy and Dara Lynn chat with Shahrokh, continuing the ongoing conversation about how everyone, even the most unlikely person, has a part to play in the growth of the church. In this fourth episode of our series, “Everyone Gets to Play,” they discuss how Christian Afghans are having an unexpected impact on the Persian-speaking church.
In today’s episode, Chrissy chats with Samuel and Sara Nielsen to continue the conversation about our latest series “Everyone Gets to Play.” In this third episode of the series, we talk about how God is moving in the hearts of Persian-speaking teenagers. More and more young people in the Iran region are experiencing life transformation through Christ and they are increasingly excited to tell their friends and family what God is doing, furthering the growth of the church.
In today’s episode, Jennifer and Chrissy have a conversation with Bahar Shahabi, to talk further about our latest series on the podcast, “Everyone Gets to Play.” In this second episode of the series, we discuss how as Persian-speaking women meet Jesus, their passion for sharing Him with others is having a significant impact on the growth of the church.
In today’s episode, Dara Lynn and Jennifer have a conversation with David Yeghnazar, Executive Director of Elam Ministries, to talk about our latest series on the podcast, “Everyone Gets to Play.” In this first episode of the series, they discuss how, in God’s kingdom, everyone has a part to play and often the most unlikely people are helping to grow the church in remarkable ways.
Explore the Podcast
In this 5-part series on the podcast, we’re unpacking the idea that in God’s kingdom, everyone has a part to play. We’re so encouraged to see that in the church, it's often the most unlikely people, who as they are being faithfully obedient, are bringing so much fruit to the kingdom. In this collection of conversations, we talk about how women, Afghans, and youth, among others, are playing pivotal roles in the growth of the Persian-speaking church.
Ordinary people are impacting the church in extraordinary ways every day. We’re honored to share their stories with you.
In this 4-part series of Jesus Speaks Farsi, the podcast team chats with Iranian believers whose stories of coming to faith are slightly different than what we’ve previously shared on Jesus Speaks Farsi.
We’ll be exploring how every Christian’s story is a uniquely different thread in the same beautiful tapestry of God’s kingdom. We hope this series stirs your imagination for the Church and for how your particular story fits into the larger story God is writing.
In this 4-part series of Jesus Speaks Farsi, Joe, Jennifer and Dara Lynn talk with believers who are part of the growing church movement among Persian-speakers. Specifically, these stories offer insight into what on-the-ground church planting looks like in the Iran region and beyond.
While the idea of church planting is familiar to many of us in the Western church, planting a church in the Iran region looks quite a bit different from what we might imagine. We hope these conversations will give clarity to the challenges and triumphs of the Persian-speaking church today.
In this 4-part series of Jesus Speaks Farsi, we’re talking with a few Iranian friends who have experienced deeper faith and ministry after spending time in prison for following Jesus. If you’ve listened to Jesus Speaks Farsi for long, you may have heard our earlier conversations with Anahita, Sara and Ladan. If not, we’d encourage you to go back and listen to their stories of how they came to know Jesus. You can find Anahita and Ladan’s stories in our Persecution series and Sara’s story in our Women In Iran series.
We believe conversations like these are important for the global church to hear, reminding us that Jesus is still alive, the Gospel is still true, and persecution is never the end of the story.
In this 5-part series of Jesus Speaks Farsi, we’ll be talking to friends whose lives have been deeply impacted and shaped by the story of Iran’s church – even though they’re all from the West.
Our hope is that in hearing their stories on how they’ve become involved, your imagination would also be stirred for ways the Lord might have you become more deeply connected to what God is doing in the global church.
The sort of encounters with Jesus that we see in Acts — like dreams, visions, and miracles — are still happening today in Iran.
In this six-part series, we’ll speak with Iranian men and women who have had such experiences and hear the insights they’ve gained into the love of Christ through the miraculous.
Our prayer is that you would be encouraged and stirred along the way to imagine new possibilities with Christ as we remember that we worship a living God.
It’s a simple story that can be summarized in just two sentences:
Persecution threatened to wipe out Iran’s tiny church. Instead, the church in Iran has become one of the fastest growing in the world, and it is influencing the region for Christ.
Journey with us through the first series of Jesus Speaks Farsi as we hear first hand stories from three different Iranian church leaders who were stripped of their freedom and thrown into prison for their faith.
This five-part series on the Jesus Speaks Farsi podcast will cover the intense persecution endured by the Iranian house church movement during Christmas 2010.
Countless women suffer oppression everyday within the Islamic Republic of Iran. Women are legally devalued in Iran and many have been treated as second-class citizens in their homes and communities.
Despite their suffering, Iranian women are encountering the love of Jesus and sharing their newfound freedom with others. Many of them are becoming powerful leaders and evangelists within the Iranian underground church movement.
Join us for this five-part series on the Jesus Speaks Farsi podcast where we’ll hear from some of the women spearheading this incredible movement.
The Bible has been transforming lives for thousands of years— and it’s still happening today inside Iran.
Despite being banned in the Farsi language, courageous Iranian Christians are taking great risks to distribute Bibles and New Testaments to people in Iran who are searching for truth. And as people read the Scriptures, they are encountering the living God and finding new life in Him.
During this third series of the Jesus Speaks Farsi podcast, we’ll learn the story of the Bible in Iran’s church through the generations, how it came to be translated into modern-day Persian (Farsi), and the impact it is having on millions of people across Iran.
Did you know that the church in Iran is one of the fastest growing churches in the world? Farsi-speaking people are meeting Jesus every day and seeing their lives transformed by the Gospel. The Jesus Speaks Farsi podcast seeks to share the stories of these brave men and women, stirring your imagination for what is possible with God. We hope these stories remind you that Jesus is alive, the Gospel is still true, and that God is writing an incredible story for His church that you can participate in.