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You are invited to join the global prayer movement for Iran.

Discover this spiritually thirsty land. Pray across 30 days. Transform the spiritual future of a nation.


Before the Islamic revolution of 1979, there were fewer than 500 Christians from a Muslim background in Iran. In 2020, many estimate there are a million or more. Despite severe persecution, the church is growing rapidly.


Prayer has been a vital part of the story of Iran’s church. In the 1950s a group of believers met every night for four years to pray for Iran’s millions. Today, as persecution continues, the need for prayer is as great as ever. With faithful intercession, Iran can become a strategic missionary-sending nation to the entire Middle East and beyond.


Iran 30’s short, easy-to-read prayer topics will help you play your part in the beautiful story God is writing for Iran and beyond.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Last week, the first episode of a new series of our popular program, Time for Worship, began streaming online. Many non-believers have reached out after watching the first episode to ask questions about Jesus. We praise God for the impact this series is already having.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

More than two years ago, trained evangelist Mina shared the Gospel with a friend, Sara. Sara was not interested in Jesus, and the pair eventually lost contact.

Then, last month, Mina heard the news that Sara was extremely sick in intensive care. A few days later, she learned that Sara had passed away.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Training leaders for the growing Iranian church remains at the heart of our ministry. This year, more than 60 people have already gone through our 3-month Healthy Emerging Leaders course, and another cohort of 13 are due to commence the course soon.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

We often take it for granted that here in the West we can safely and easily access great Christian books and content whenever we want.

Believers in Iran haven't had that same privilege. Until now.
Last month we launched a strategic new resource for the Iranian church: our Kalameh app.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

We are delighted to report that through summer sports tournaments in the Iran region, more than 1,000 people (young players and their accompanying family members) tasted the love and welcome of the Lord. Wonderfully, some have confessed faith in Christ as a result.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

This summer, hundreds of young refugees in a country near Iran are eagerly anticipating “Rock Academy” soccer (football) tournaments. One of them is Mahan.

Mahan has loved soccer for as long as he can remember, but because of a congenital limb difference, he wasn’t given the chance to pursue his passion.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

During May, we will host a residential training for many graduates of our three-month course who are now serving the church in the Iran region.

As around 100 ministry leaders and their children get ready to join us for this strategic conference, we'd value your prayers for these precious people and for those who are preparing to teach and encourage them.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Zahra’s story starts with a Persian New Testament.

It was 15 years ago that Zahra first found a New Testament. In a private home in Iran where she worked as a cleaner, Zahra noticed the small red book on a shelf. Intrigued by the notorious ‘Injil’, she quietly slipped it into her bag.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nowruz, or Persian New Year, is the first day of spring and an occasion for much celebration and joy among Iranians.

Christians in Iran are particularly praying for chances to start conversations about Jesus as they mark the occasion with relatives.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

26 emerging leaders are currently studying our foundational 3-month church planting and evangelism course in the Iran region.

The students are bonding well together amid their intensive studies, and are already catching the vision to share the message of Jesus with others. The students regularly take part in practical ministry assignments in addition to classroom learning, including prayer walks, practical service and evangelism.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

In one month, the biggest celebration of the year for Persian speakers (Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks) will be upon us: Nowruz, or Persian New Year.

In Iran this beloved celebration falls this year on March 20th. It is followed by a holiday period in which many Iranians travel the country to visit family, and others take the opportunity to go on vacation overseas.

Monday, January 22, 2024

We are praising God that our worship team has just released a brand new album of worship music for Persian-speaking youth.

The title song, "Only One" (which refers to Jesus being the only true Lord, and the only one worthy of our worship), was recorded at one of our youth conferences in the Iran region in 2023.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

During December, our Weekly Fellowship resource unpacks the four "Songs of Christmas" in Luke's Gospel. The significance of Christ's birth is explored through the songs of Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon, with a new resource released each Friday.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

A few months ago, a thief mugged a Christian. At first the Christian tried to plead for his phone, but the thief threatened him and took everything he had - including his phone and backpack which contained several New Testaments. 

Later, the thief read the Scriptures and felt a conviction he’d never sensed before. He wanted to know more. He switched on the stolen phone and called the recently dialled numbers on the phone until he managed to track down the owner.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

In 2023, hundreds of Iranian and Afghan kids and youth have been impacted by sports ministry run by local Iranian churches. One of them is Saeed.

Saeed’s mother died when he was just nine years old.

When his abusive, drug-addicted father then abandoned the family, young Saeed was left to fend for himself. Separated from his brother and sister, he scraped a living on the streets of Iran before being taken into a state-run welfare home.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

20 years ago, the first New Testaments were printed in the New Millennium Persian translation. No one who was there to receive that first shipment could have imagined the immense impact this New Testament would have on Iran over the following two decades.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Over the past week, the Lord has ministered to the hearts of more than 170 Persian-speaking teenagers through residential retreats in the Iran region.

"They are a generation hungry for the Lord," reported one of the ministry leaders. "They arrived carrying many wounds and burdens but, as they've come with open hearts, the Lord has been at work beautifully among them."

Thursday, May 25, 2023

There are tens of thousands of Persian-speaking refugees in Greece, and trained Iranian Christians have a heart to love and serve them while reaching them with the Gospel.

Last month, 250 Persian-speaking refugees attended two evangelistic worship nights in Greece where many of them heard the Gospel explained in their own language for the first time.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Right now, 13 Iranian youth leaders are taking part in an eight-week training program in the Iran region. These emerging leaders represent nine churches serving 80+ youth. They would greatly value your prayers.

The group recently started their training with a one-week residential module.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Iranian Christians are giving out tens of thousands of New Testaments during the ongoing Persian New Year (Nowruz) holidays.

Eighteen of those out sharing the Good News are students currently on our three-month evangelism and church-planting course in a county near Iran. They have had many encouraging encounters so far.















About Iran 30

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