You are invited to join the global prayer movement for Iran.
Discover this spiritually thirsty land. Pray across 30 days. Transform the spiritual future of a nation.
Before the Islamic revolution of 1979, there were fewer than 500 Christians from a Muslim background in Iran. In 2020, many estimate there are a million or more. Despite severe persecution, the church is growing rapidly.
Prayer has been a vital part of the story of Iran’s church. In the 1950s a group of believers met every night for four years to pray for Iran’s millions. Today, as persecution continues, the need for prayer is as great as ever. With faithful intercession, Iran can become a strategic missionary-sending nation to the entire Middle East and beyond.
Iran 30’s short, easy-to-read prayer topics will help you play your part in the beautiful story God is writing for Iran and beyond.
Reaching Iran
Friday, January 17, 2025
Last week, the first episode of a new series of our popular program, Time for Worship, began streaming online. Many non-believers have reached out after watching the first episode to ask questions about Jesus. We praise God for the impact this series is already having.
Reaching Iran
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
More than two years ago, trained evangelist Mina shared the Gospel with a friend, Sara. Sara was not interested in Jesus, and the pair eventually lost contact.
Then, last month, Mina heard the news that Sara was extremely sick in intensive care. A few days later, she learned that Sara had passed away.
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