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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
35,000 New Testaments now in Iran's cities towns and villages
Friday, November 13, 2015
During the summer months 35,000 New Testaments were distributed to Iranian tourists in one city alone in a country neighbouring Iran. Iranians like Hassan received them:
Hassan was travelling outside Iran. Somebody gave him a Persian New Testament and he took it gladly. In his own city, which is very religious, he had had no idea how to get hold of a New Testament. Now he has one, and he is reading it back in Iran.
The 35,000 New Testaments have nearly all been taken back into Iran, as have the thousands of others distributed in other cities.
At the end of the New Testament is a prayer of repentance for those who want to ask Jesus Christ into their lives. Many pray that prayer, and then tell their families in Iran about the Saviour.
Pray for:
Huge ongoing impact from the summer evangelism efforts
More Iranian Christians to bravely distribute Persian New Testaments
For the New Testament to be widely read
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