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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Abortion: ministry in Jesus’ name brings healing
Thursday, November 20, 2014
At every Elam conference for Iranian Christian women, Dr Mojdeh Shirvanian leads a session on abortion. She describes what happens medically; outlines the Bible’s teaching on the unborn; and explains why depression follows.
Mojdeh then invites those who have had abortions forward for prayer.
At the last conference 30 out of 55 attendees came forward. Some had undergone multiple abortions. After several years of ministry in this area, Mojdeh is not surprised. She believes that at least one out of every three Iranian women have either had an abortion or been involved in some way in facilitating one.
One of the reasons why the abortionist’s knife is so busy among Iranians is because most women have no idea what the operation actually involves: hence the importance of this teaching on abortion.
Prayer for healing is also important. At these conferences the ministry team prays for each lady. After prayer at the most recent conference, one lady said she felt a hundred kilo weight had fallen from her shoulders. She thought she had to carry the guilt of what she had done for the rest of her life. Jesus took it from her.
These sessions on abortion take a long time. The women walk through the valley of the shadow of death; but they emerge with Jesus’ joy running through their hearts.
After the tears, there are smiles.
Pray for
Reality of abortion to be known in Iran region
More Christians to engage in ministry in this area
The women who receive healing, to continue well
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