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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Baluchistan: Iran’s wild East
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A desolate landscape of desert and scrubland, Iran’s largest province is poor. Life expectancy for the nearly two million people is ten years less than the rest of the country. The annual income per head is less than a quarter of the average. Unemployment is widespread – as is crime and drug trafficking. It is Iran’s wild East. And since 2003, when Jundullah’ (The Soldiers of God) began a Sunni terrorist campaign against the government, the province has become a lot more dangerous, especially for Revolutionary Guards, many who are there trying to stop the drug trade. Several hundred have been killed. Jundullah’s most recent attack was a devastating suicide bomb which murdered 42 people, including six officers of the Revolutionary Guards. The Sunni group claim their aim is to defend their religious and tribal identity which they say Tehran wants to undermine. Sadly this province of Iran has remained virtually unreached for the Gospel. There are no established churches in the province, no reports of underground networks. The only Christians there would be secret, and isolated. Regarding resources, the Jesus film and some Scriptures are available in Baluchi. Usually a strong church translates into a more stable and prosperous society. It would be the same for Baluchistan.
Pray for
For protection of government officials from violence
For wisdom for officials responsible for developing Baluchistan
For Iranian Christians to be sent to preach the Gospel there
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