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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Books that nourish the soul: vital for Iran
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Accessing Christian resources in the West is so easy. As a result many of our bookshelves are overflowing with helpful and edifying books that we have never started, never mind completed and digested. Too often we take it for granted that we can order a topical Christian book at the click of a button.
It’s a far cry from the situation in Iran. There the printing and distribution of Christian material in the national language of Persian is illegal. Brave house church evangelists would love to pass on books that clearly explain the faith like William Miller’s ‘What Is Christianity’ or great apologetic titles like C.S Lewis’ ‘Mere Christianity’. Pastors counselling those caught up in the seeming irrationality of suffering would love to give away a copy of the late Ronald Dunn’s superb ‘When Heaven Is Silent’, the story of how he and his wife coped with the suicide of their son. They would love to be able to phone the Elam Store and order from a catalogue that now has nearly a thousand titles of books and audio resources that Elam has translated into Persian. But they can’t.
Every book that they need for evangelism, teaching, and counselling must be smuggled in. And with often limited funds this can mean that priority is rightly given to the Scriptures, not the books. Please join us in praying for the capacity to send both the Scriptures and soul-nourishing books into Iran in increasing quantities, in order to feed this young, growing church.
Pray for
The young church in Iran to be nurtured and built up in the faith
Wisdom for the translation team in deciding which titles to prioritize
Funds to allow distribution of more books into Iran and the wider region
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