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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Christian books, the famine continues
Friday, September 18, 2009
There is a Christian book famine in Iran. The West has hundreds of thousands of titles; the Arabic world thousands; but for highly literate Iran, there are just a few hundred titles. Despite a chronic lack of investment by the wider church in this area, some agencies have managed to expand the list in recent years, so now for example Iranians can read some C.S. Lewis classics - over fifty years after their publication. But publishing the title does not guarantee it will get to readers in Iran, for the book has to be printed outside the country as it is illegal to print inside. So the only way to make sure a Christian book gets to Iran is to send it by a traveler, not a very effective way to distribute a title to 70 million people. As a matter of intellectual and religious freedom the international church needs to put more pressure on the Iranian government to allow the publication of Christian titles. It is absurd that the highly educated and literate people of Iran are not allowed by their government to read Christian material. Until the rules are relaxed, there is a real need for ingenuity and generosity to get more Christian books to Iranians.
Pray for
Rules against the publication of Christian titles to be dropped
More investment from the international church for Christian titles in Persian
Divine ingenuity for distribution
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