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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Christians in prison, UN General Assembly and the UK Parliament are taking note
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Farshid Fathi remains in prison along with at least ten other Christians. The latest Christians to be arrested are Afsar Bahmani and Massoud Rezaie from Shiraz. They were taken into custody on October 12th.
These believers endure arbitrary arrest, the confiscation of personal goods, usually weeks in solitary confinement and long hours of interrogation, and then a prison sentence. Their crime? Faith in the creed of the historic Christian church, a creed which believes in sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.
The UN General Assembly and the UK Parliament are taking note. This week the UN’s special rapporteur for Iran, Ahmed Shaheed delivers an update on the human rights in Iran to the UN General Assembly. On religious minorities he has concluded that while members of the Bahai faith face the most harassment, he states that over three hundred Christians have faced arbitrary arrest for their beliefs since 2010. On October 29, 2012, an All Party Parliamentary Group launched a report on the persecution of Christians in Iran for the UK Parliament. This report is based on numerous interviews with Christians who have suffered for their faith.
The Iranian church is growing, but is also suffering and we are our brothers’ keeper. Let us continue in prayer for those who are imprisoned, and do all we can to let them know they are not forgotten, for this, according to one ex prisoner, is the ‘worst nightmare.’ Let us join forces in supporting those who are campaigning on their behalf.
Pray for
•Christians in prison to know they are not forgotten
•Impact of reports to UN General Assembly and UK Parliament
•An end to the persecution of Christians in Iran
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