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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Church planting: it starts with families
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Iranian Christians are constantly planting new churches. What’s the strategy? Simple: start with families.
Ask any Iranian church planter, and they'll talk about starting by sharing Christ with family, gathering new believers for a weekly Bible teaching and fellowship, and then encouraging and praying with them to go and share with their friends and family.
One church planter shared this testimony: "A new believer called me one day while she was on vacation with 20 family members. She'd tried to witness to them, but she was so new in faith she was struggling. So I drove a couple of hours and had a captive audience...The Lord was there and seven of them gave their lives to Christ that day. So we sent two of our emerging leaders to teach and disciple them. Now there are seven house churches in their city and over 100 believers." Another planter saw churches grow in the same way: "We started with one family in Tehran. We would visit them in their home for worship and fellowship. We taught them the Bible and encouraged them to share Jesus with their family and friends. They did and the church grew."
Elam actively supports many church planters, evangelists and pastors who are serving in over 70 cities in Iran and the wider region. Elam provides them with ongoing training opportunities, sends them Bibles, evangelistic materials, discipleship books and other resources, offers pastoral support, and advocates on behalf of those who find themselves persecuted because of their ministry.
Pray for
New church planters as they are trained
Church planters to have strength, courage and a deep relationship with the Lord
House churches in Iran to continue to see growth
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