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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Influential Institutions
December 6th, Saeed Jalili needs wisdom
Monday, December 6, 2010
You are charged with some responsibility for the defence of seventy million people. You and your leaders are feeling surrounded, and now the whole world knows through Wikileaks that some of your neighbours have been asking the world’s superpower to attack you, “to cut off the head of the snake”, you being the snake. So a part of you thinks you should try and get the best defence weapon available, especially as the last time your country was at war the enemy used chemical weapons and nobody from the international community stepped in to help. But another part of you knows that this would almost guarantee the very attack that you want to stop happening, because some of your colleagues have not spoken diplomatically about one of your near neighbours. And you yourself do not know what could happen if you had such a weapon. Life would be easier if nobody had those weapons. You know that most of your own people not only dread the idea of war, but long for peace with the West. You are meeting your international counterparts in Geneva this week. You hope can both reassure the wider world, and reassure those you have a responsibility for defending. Your name is Saeed Jalili. And you need wisdom.
Pray for
Saeed Jalili, and Iranian ministers responsible defence
Catherine Ashton, chairing the talks, and other diplomats from the West
Peaceful outcome.
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