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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Going mobile, keep up
Saturday, June 23, 2012
By the end of September 2011 65 million mobile phones were being used in Iran; the estimate for September 2012 is over 80 million. Nearly everyone has a phone. And despite the vastness of Iran, these phones can get reception in over 90% of the country. When mobile phones first took off they were mainly used for calling and texting, but that’s long changed. Now we can watch films, listen to radio programmes, work on spread sheets – just with our mobiles. The church has been keeping up – and needs to keep on keeping up. Agencies such as Elam Ministries, with an impressive catalogue of resources, has been working hard to make sure that the book that was originally only available in print-form, can now be downloaded by onto an Iranian’s mobile. More investment and training will be needed so that agencies such as Elam keep pace with technology.
Pray for
•Training for Christians to keep pace with technology
•Provision of evangelistic and teaching resources to mobile phones
•Investment of international church to reach Iran through technology.
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