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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Iranian teens on fire for Jesus
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
“God was at work, doing phenomenal things all through the week!" reports the beaming leader of a recent residential youth conference in the Iran region. “I wish you could have been there to witness it!”
Here are some highlights from this transformational week attended by 148 teenagers:
More than 30 teenagers made commitments to Jesus on the first night.
The youth were passionate worshippers, wanting to remain in worship long after the scheduled end to the meetings.
In the dedicated prayer room, young people interceded for their nation and repented of sins with tears.
During one meeting, more than 100 young people rose to their feet because they felt called to be Christian leaders in their generation.
“God has sealed my faith this week,” shared one young person, echoing the reflections of many others.
One boy shared his testimony from the conference at his church the following Sunday: two people came to Christ as a result.
Since the conference, many of the young people have engaged with church with fresh enthusiasm, and some have started serving.
“Thank you for praying for us!” glows the ministry leader, “Through this conference, God did immeasurably more than all we could have asked or imagined!”
Please pray that these young people will become pillars in the Iranian church.
Please pray the new believers will grow in their new faith.
Please pray for 100+ others who will soon attend another youth conference, and for our ongoing investment in the next generation of the Iranian church.
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