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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Millions of drug addicts: the church is reaching out
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Many house churches have members that used to be drug addicts, but who have found freedom in Christ. Iran has millions of drug addicts, all of whom also need healing. That’s why Christians are often found reaching out to, and ministering to, drug addicts. Let’s pray for those who are pouring Jesus’ love into broken hearts and bodies.
The drug problem is not going away. One raid in mid-November saw over two tons of narcotics seized by border guards in the southeast of Iran, according to a top Iranian police official. Fars News Agency reports that between March and October this year 272 tons of narcotics were seized along Iran’s borders. In the same period, 179,000 drug traffickers were arrested. Drug smuggling and addiction are open wounds in Iran.
The government has opened more than 500 non-governmental organizations and hundreds of detoxification and methadone clinics to try to combat the issue. But ultimately this open wound needs the healing hands of Jesus. Please join us in praying for those who are involved in this ministry.
Pray for
Christians working with addicts: for wisdom and resources
Families of the addicted to seek the help of Christians
Decrease in Iran’s drug problems
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