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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
More success battle against drugs, and more accusations
Friday, May 6, 2011
Iran’s battle with the drug trade is never far away from the headlines. Last month the police claimed they had seized over twenty five tonnes of narcotics and broken up hundreds of gangs. Some of the smugglers have been executed. The government is also building a massive wall to seal Iran’s long border with Afghanistan, still the world’s number one opium producer. Along with these announcements, there have also been some strong accusations against the West as the power behind the spread of drugs in Iran. There has been a very strange report in the semi official Fars news agency blaming America for Iran’s drug problem and even saying that the CIA and Mossad are setting up factories to produce hallucinatory drugs on the borders of Iran. The difference the church can make is massive – for only the church can intercede for the drug trade to be defeated, and only the church can effectively minister to the thousands caught up in the misery of addiction.
Pray for
Elimination of drug addiction in Iran
Protection for anti drug police officers
Ministry of church amongst addicts to expand
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