Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
New believer is overjoyed to receive her first Bible
Monday, November 29, 2021
After receiving a Bible for the first time, Maryam left a message for the person discipling her: 'I am forever thankful! You’ve made my heart so joyful! Thank you for this valuable gift! My heart is so happy!'
There was overwhelming joy in her tear-filled voice.
Maryam is just one of the thousands of new believers who have been discipled this year by another Iranian believer. She was able to receive a Bible because there is now a multitude of courageous Iranian Christians involved in Scripture distribution across the Iran region.
As more Iranian Christians than ever are engaging in intentional discipleship and, in turn, reaching and discipling others, many like Maryam are able to experience the life-changing joy that comes with receiving Jesus and being discipled to know Him.
Give thanks to God for how He is growing the Iranian church through the faithfulness of believers who are sharing the Gospel and discipling others.
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