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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
New publication, reaching children
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
An exciting new publication is available for Christians in the Iran region. The first book of its kind to be printed in Persian, it has the potential to reach a new generation of Iranians with the truth of the gospel.
The Action Bible: New Testament is a full-colour graphic-novel style New Testament that vividly brings God’s Word to life for older children. It tells Bible stories through action-packed, compelling illustrations by Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello, who previously illustrated for Marvel Comics. The Action Bible in English has proved a resounding success amongst children, parents and youth ministers since it was published in 2010. So Elam determined that this resource should be available for Persian-speaking families too, and partnered with David C. Cook Foundation to make it happen. After six months of translation work, that dream is now realized.
Making the Word of God available to young people in accessible and engaging ways is vital. Please join with us in praying that this new publication will have a greater impact than we could ever ask or imagine, and that the fruit of it will continue to be reaped for decades to come.
Pray for
•The Action Bible to lead many children to salvation
•Young Christians to be spiritually fed
•Safety for those who will distribute this Bible
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