Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Influential Institutions
Nuclear talks positive: they’ll meet again, Christians must keep on praying
Monday, October 5, 2009
On Thursday (1/10/09) the important talks between Iran’s delegation led by Said Jalilee and the five permanent UN members plus Germany got off to a good start. The parties agreed to meet again this month, and this week-end the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mr Elbaradei is travelling to Tehran. Crucial to the talks progressing was Iran’s agreement to allow immediate inspection of the second enrichment site it is building near Qom. It was also very significant that Barack Obama has allowed direct talks with the Iranians who are keen to widen the discussions out to include all the security issues of the Middle East. This might well indicate that the historic offer they put on the table to the Bush administration in 2003 whereby they would accept Israel and drop all support for the Palestinians in return for the US involving Iran as a regional power, and ending all economic sanctions is still alive. Such an entente is something all Christians should pray towards, as it is God’s will that we live can live peacefully, not under the shadow of war. Pray for All the negotiators involved in this issue to bring about an entente For wisdom in knowing where there can be compromise For war to be averted at all costs
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