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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Safar: Discipleship for the first 100 days
Friday, June 29, 2018
All over Iran and the Persian-speaking world, Jesus is making Himself known. That's why we are convinced that millions of Iranians can be added to the church in the years to come. As the church grows, discipleship is vital.
We are excited to share that earlier this year we launched Safar (Persian for “journey”), a new initiative to mobilise discipleship on a larger scale than ever before.
Drawing on decades of experience, Safar is designed to be used one-on-one to disciple new believers for the first 100 days of a new believer’s life. The process is led by a hamsafar (co-journeyer). There are around 30 steps in the journey, one for every 3-4 days. It is designed to be deeply Biblical, relational, and practical.
In just a few months over 400 hamsafars have been mobilised to use Safar to disciple others – and the number is increasing every month. They are working with hundreds of new believers.
By God's grace, within just a few weeks these new believers are learning to pray, read and apply the Bible, deal with issues such as forgiveness and fear, and learn to share their faith with others.
We praise the Lord for the fruit we have already seen from Safar, and we greatly anticipate the impact of deep discipleship on the Persian-speaking church for generations to come.
Please join us in praying for:
Safar to be used to further deep discipleship in the Persian-speaking church
The Elam team as we continue to develop the Safar steps
Further church growth as Iranians mature into mission-minded Christians who are deeply rooted in Jesus
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