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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering Afghan refugees: Christians reach out
Friday, April 17, 2015
Decades of war means that millions of Afghans have been forced to flee their homeland. And Iran – the most natural place for suffering Afghans to go – now has a huge population of Afghan refugees. One of these refugees is a 21 year old man called Hossein. Stories like his are far too common:
“I was twelve when my father and mother were killed in a Taliban bomb attack. I lost my left leg. My younger sister and I were sent to live with an uncle. He loved money, and he made us work all the time. Life was hard. Very hard. My sister and I later came to faith because the love we saw in Jesus is something we had never seen before.”
In Iran, people like Hossein do not have an easy time. As well as being haunted by memories of war, in a society marked by racism towards Afghans, they find themselves at the bottom of the social pile.
That’s why it’s so important and so striking that Iranian Christians are beginning to love and serve Afghans. As the church in Iran grows, so does the number of Iranian Christians committed to reaching Afghans with the Gospel. Well over 200 Afghans have come to know Christ through the efforts of Elam’s graduates in the last couple of years.
Pray for
More Afghan converts
Iranians who are ministering among Afghans
Healing from the scars of war
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