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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
The altar call, Iranians want to respond
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
At the end of a church meeting near the Iran region this summer, the preacher invited unbelievers to surrender their lives to Christ. Three came forward. Then the pastor of the church also stood up and invited other Iranians who had not yet experienced salvation in Christ to step forward. Another two came forward. The sinner’s prayer should have been said. But the pastor still hesitated. Then another leader stood up and gave the same invitation. Repent, believe in Jesus, and be saved. Two more came forward. Seven Iranians became Christians. Other pastors have had similar experiences.
Iranian pastors who are growing their churches believe in the altar call because they know there are usually people in the meeting who want to respond to Christ, but need the extra encouragement that an altar call gives. The altar call also means they can introduce the new believer to a follow-up programme immediately.
Pray for
•Anointing when altar calls are given across Iran region
•Patience to wait
•Follow-up to be wise
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