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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Influential Institutions
The nuclear negotiators, in urgent need of new energy – and prayer
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Early in October there was hope of a peaceful resolution to the nuclear crisis. Iran would allow in inspectors for the new site near Qom, and, crucially, agree that much of its uranium was shipped out to Russia and France for the final stages of enriching, so ensuring it could only be used to for electricity. Now Iran is not happy to send out the uranium, but is ready to exchange uranium for nuclear fuel on its own territory. The negotiators must return to the table and they deserve the intense prayers of Christians. For already there are signals that other parties are considering war. Israel has constantly said that all options are on the table when it comes to Iran, and in the summer undertook its own military exercise interpreted as wanting to show Tehran it could launch an attack. In response Iran has begun five days of air defence drills this week, aimed at showing it could prevent such an attack, combined with a warning from Mojtoba Zolnour, a spokesman for the Revolutionary Guards, that the country’s missiles were targeted on Tel Aviv and would be fired before the dust had settled after any Israeli attack. The rattling of sabres has begun; may the nuclear negotiators be given supernatural wisdom to ensure peace prevails.
Pray for
All those whose decisions will determine peace or war – Mohamed ElBaradei (head of International Atomic Energy Agency); Hilary Clinton (US Secretary of State); Saeed Jalili, (Iran’s, chief nuclear negotiator); Manouchehr Mottaki (Iran, Foreign Minister); Benjamin Netanayu (Israel prime- minister).
Massive surge of intercession to cry out for peace
Church to speak out with authority for peace
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