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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Twitter, reveals all the tension of the young with a one liner
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The huge protests have a major ‘Twitter’ factor, which is not surprising as Iran’s young population (70% under 30) are very internet/mobile phone savvy. The one line social network tool, only two years old, is used massively to arrange meetings – and to get news out about what happens at those meetings. As Twitter users are only allowed 140 characters, including spaces, the feeling of the protesters is easily apparent. They are full of rage. There is intense anger at the election result, and fury at the way the authorities have treated protesters.
Here is one example from the hundreds that appear every hour:
"they aim to make tonight the bloodiest night. It's hell in Tehran right now." Iran half a minute ago from web
However this conflict is resolved, there will be a lot of raw emotion in young hearts, vastly increasing their frustration level already high due to a lack of jobs and freedom, and high inflation.
Pray for
Youth to find Christ in midst of political turmoil
Christians to be instruments of reconciliation
Church to have God’s wisdom for young at this time
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