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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Van Church, place of refuge for quake victims
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The CCTV cameras which protect the Iranian church in Van show people pouring out of the building as the earthquake began at 13:41 on Sunday 23rd October. But then the pastor returns, and holds out his prayer towards the wall of the first church to be registered in Van for nearly a hundred years. He knew it was important for the cause of Christ that the church survive the quake. It did. And immediately it became a place of refuge. About a hundred have been coming daily to receive hot meals, most have never met Christians or been inside a church building. Now they were receiving food in the name of Jesus Christ. Van is a border city. And as well as Turks and Kurds, there are also many Iranians there. All have been welcomed at the church.
Pray for
•Christians in Van to have stamina as they serve.
•Those devastated by quake to give their lives to Christ
•Funds to flow for aid to continue
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