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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Websites and mobiles, new frontiers
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Website browsing used to be done on computers, and phoning people was done on phones. Now mobiles are really small computers – and those who can afford this latest technology are browsing on their phones: full marks to the IT industry for refusing to rest when there is another frontier to tackle. Christians involved in Iran need to make sure this new merging of computers with mobiles is used to reach millions with the Gospel in Iran. It is true there are challenges from censors not that keen on the Christian message, but as this new generation of mobile phones takes off, so there will be many more ways to communicate with people.
Pray for
Mission agencies to have ingenuity when using this technology
Skill to by pass hostile censors
Necessary investment
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