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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Behind the headlines, simple prayers for a sick girl are answered
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
In the midst of the political turmoil and the ongoing intimidation of Christians such as Maryam and Marzieh, still held in Evin prison, the church cointinues to bless non believers. Here is a typical example.
Two days ago four year old girl Nafiseh was admitted into hospital in Kermanshahr with severe diabetes. She soon went into a coma. Her aunt was a Christian, and she contacted her son, an active member of a church, asking the whole congregation to pray on Sunday. On Monday the little girl came out of the coma and was later discharged from hosptial. The immediate family have not yet come to faith - but they have seen the power of prayer.
As well as intercession for healing, evangelism continues, along with the teaching of new believers being prepared for baptism. It is important that in politically turbulant times the church keeps focused on its primary calling to proclaim Christ and teach believers.
Pray for
The family of Nafiseh to come to faith
For all those engaged in evangelism, Scripture teaching, and teaching
For leaders to remain focused on Christ whatever the political situation.
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