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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Hostility against Christians, it is external and internal
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Most reports of the hostility faced by Christians focus on the opposition of the authorities. And after recent pronouncements by very senior figures regarding the influence of house churches on the young there is no doubt that this opposition is just as intense as ever. The number of arrests are growing, and at least one Christian has been threatened with the death sentence.
However opposition can also be internal. In recent weeks when a young husband and father of two became a Christian, one of his relatives became so incensed that he physically beat him - till he died. It would be unfair to conclude that murder is always on the family agenda when a member becomes a Christian, but intense hostility from some is normal, and as this shocking case shows, violence does happen. As Jesus said, a man's enemies will be in his own household, and that is still true today.
The church in Iran continues to grow, but believers more than ever need our prayers.
Pray for
The widow and children of the murdered Christian to be comforted
Christians in prison, and especially those being threatened with execution
Protection for all Christians
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