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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Internet church, growing
Friday, May 4, 2012
Almost every night a zealous Christian, whom we will call Hussein, has meetings with his internet church. Scores of his members come on line at the same time; they can see him, as he teaches the Bible and prays with people. Unbelievers also come and he answers their questions. He is planning to soon celebrate Holy Communion with his members. He will explain who is eligible to partake in the sacrament and then following his instructions, all will share in the bread and wine together. Prayer, Bible teaching, the sacraments – it is definitely church. And it is proving very effective at reaching many Iranians.
Of course there are always members who experience problems with the connection, but by and large, his members know how to navigate the unpredictability of the internet in Iran. There is no doubt this is an important ministry, and needs serious prayer.
Pray for
•Hussein and other internet pastors
•Security on line
•Stable internet connections
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