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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Jesus changes lives: 214 baptized this week
Friday, September 23, 2016
214 Iranians and Afghans were baptized earlier this week in a joyful service in a country near Iran. People from eight different Persian-speaking churches gathered together to share the story of how Jesus had changed their life, and to be baptized.
The theme for the whole day was ‘Jesus changes lives’, and this powerful truth was underscored by every testimony. Mohammad was suicidal, but Jesus had intervened. Morad was searching for the truth. He found it when he read Romans chapter three. Sahar shared: “I never thought I would find freedom from my past, but Jesus has set me free.”
Jesus has changed countless lives. More Iranians and Afghans are coming to faith every day. Many of them are preparing for baptism.
Praise God that Jesus indeed changes lives. And that he does so beyond all we could ask or imagine.
Pray for
Ongoing growth in Christ for those that got baptized this week;
Non-Christian friends and family to be moved toward Christ;
Those preparing for baptism.
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