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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
Medical leave not extended: Maryam returns to prison
Friday, September 23, 2016
Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran (also known as ‘Nasim’) returned to Evin prison on Saturday 17 September after the attorney general refused to extend her medical leave. She had been granted leave on 28th August and was in the middle of her treatment when she was summoned to return to prison.
Maryam has been through this difficult process on a previous occasion: she was granted a period of much-needed medical leave in June, but was summoned to return to prison, cutting her treatment short. Following this return to prison, Maryam went on hunger strike from 5 July to early August, during which period her health deteriorated seriously once more.
Originally arrested on 5 November 2012, Maryam was released on bail and later sentenced to four years imprisonment by Tehran’s Revolutionary Court for ‘acting against national security’. She began to serve her sentence on 15th July 2013.
Maryam has a long term heart condition and her health has suffered severely during her incarceration. She has routinely been denied adequate access to the medical care she needs. She is being held in the women’s ward of Evin prison.
Pray for
Maryam’s protection, healing and strength;
Peace for her family;
Justice for Maryam, and others who are imprisoned for their faith or beliefs.
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