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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
New Bible: “The words are so much more precious”
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Iranian Christians will celebrate Christmas next week with the full New Millennium Version of the Bible in their hands for the first time. It will be the first Christmas when they will read the Old Testament prophesies about Christ in this accurate and beautiful translation. As we also celebrate the birth of our Lord, let’s pray that He would lead the church in Iran into ever-deepening faith and maturity through the new Bible.
"The new translation is very clear. Many Old Testament passages quoted in the New Testament were difficult to understand, but now they're so much easier to understand."
"The words are so much more precious. The vocabulary is very Persian, which makes it beautiful to read."
"I enjoy reading the Old Testament now because I understand the words, stories, and verses. Before I had to go and look up the words to understand what they meant."
"It was difficult to teach with the old translation and we were forced to use the Living Bible (paraphrase), but I am sure that this will be so much easier to use."
"I love John 1:14- it is so beautifully translated.”
و کلام، انسان خاکی شد و در میان ما مسکن گزید. و ما بر جلال او نگریستیم، جلالی درخور آن پسر یگانه که از جانب پدر آمد، پر از فیض و راستی.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Pray for
The church to grow through the Bible this Christmas
Pastors to enjoy teaching from the new translation
Safe distribution of the Bibles
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