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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
New TV series: teaching children about the best friend of all
Thursday, May 30, 2013
A mouse, a rooster and a camel meet on a film set.
It sounds like the start of a feeble joke, but in fact it’s the start of an exciting new series of children’s Christian TV, featuring loveable puppet friends. Thirteen new fun-filled episodes produced by Elam Ministries will teach young Iranians about the main facets of true friendship, and introduce them to Jesus, the best friend of all.
Currently in production under the direction of Steve Feldman, a former Sesame Street director, this new series retains the format and main characters of Elam’s previous children’s series, but is set to be bigger and better than ever before. New puppet characters have joined the team to guide children through Bible stories, key memory verses and interactive songs with fresh energy and humour.
There are so few Christian resources available for Persian-speaking children that these TV series are a vital tool for reaching many for Christ; both children and their parents alike. Please join us in praying for the ongoing production of this new series, and for much fruit when it goes to air.
Pray for
•Successful completion of the filming and post-production
•Many children to accept Jesus as their best friend through the series
•Numerical growth of the production team for future series
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