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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Safar: multiplying disciples
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Last year we launched ‘Safar’ (Persian for “journey”), a new initiative to mobilise discipleship on a larger scale than ever before. By God’s grace, it is already having an impact.
One new believer told his pastor, “The man that you introduced to me has had such a wonderful impact on me - he sends me verses, encourages me”. After a couple of weeks of discipleship, he began helping in small group playing guitar. This new believer continues to grow and has become more active in the local Persian-speaking church.
In less than a year since Safar was launched, over 1400 Persian-speakers in the Iran region have engaged in this model of one-to-one discipleship, laying the foundation for their Christian life rooted in the Word of God, connected into Christian community, and with a practical understanding of the spiritual disciplines. These new believers are now able to pass on what they have learnt to others. You can read more about Safar here.
We praise the Lord for the fruit we have already seen from Safar, and we greatly anticipate the impact of deep discipleship on the Persian-speaking church for generations to come.
Please pray:
For a multiplying impact as each person who has completed the Safar journey goes on to disciple others.
That a culture of deep discipleship will continue to emerge within the rapidly growing Persian-speaking church.
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